September 2023
September 2023
Issachar Project
As we all know, the times we are living in are constantly changing, and so is the landscape of ministry. This is why I am excited to invite you to be a part of the Issachar Project – a time of teaching and training with Terry Shock.
The Issachar Project is an 8-week course, beginning on Thursday, August 31 st , at 7:00 pm EST, and continuing each Thursday night (excluding General Conference week). It is designed to help pastors like you stay on top of current trends and best practices in ministry.
The Issachar Project is a rare opportunity for you to glean from the wealth of experience and knowledge that Terry Shock has amassed over the years. Your ministry and the souls that you serve are worth investing in, so please make time for this life-changing event. I have no doubt that you will be refreshed and better equipped to fulfill your calling.
Once again, I strongly encourage you to join us for the Issachar Project because there is something for everyone to learn. Your church staff and department leaders will benefit from this training.
I plan to have all my staff and leaders join and I look forward to seeing you there! Registration is available via Eventbrite by clicking here. The cost is $1000 per church, or at a reduced rate of $750 for churches on NAM status. If you have any questions, you can contact Dan MacLeod at or 812-230-4094.
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email immediately. During each of the eight weeks, you will receive the weekly Zoom details and corresponding handout two days before the scheduled call. The day after each call, an email will be sent with a link to the recording.
Move the Mission Offering
I also want to encourage you to participate in Move the Mission and send in your offering. Your contributions will go a long way in advancing the gospel and making an impact in the lives of young people and missionaries all over the world.
As a pastor, you understand the importance of supporting causes that align with your calling to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Giving to Move the Mission allows you to make a difference, demonstrating your commitment to advancing the Apostolic message. It is a practical way of expressing gratitude for all that you have been blessed with, including your congregation, talents, and resources.
I trust that you are doing great and that your ministry is flourishing. I am happy to report that our Back to School Rally at First Apostolic Church in Milton was a great success, with 250 in attendance. Rev. Caleb Herring preached a powerful message, and 2 received the Holy Ghost.
Upcoming events that will benefit you and your congregation include: Special Service at First Pentecostal Church of Pensacola on Saturday, September 9 th , at 7:00 pm with Bianca Baptiste.
Our Wrap Rally is October 27th , in Defuniak Springs with Rev. Jordan Hudspeth - FLYM Secretary, at 7:30 pm, with a bonfire and pizza to follow. The cost is $5 per person.
Press On
As ministers, we know that serving in the Kingdom of God comes with its fair share of challenges. Whether it’s managing the demands of a congregation, dealing with personal struggles, or navigating the often-tumultuous culture that grows more hostile towards us every day, it’s no secret that our journey is not always easy.
But we also know that the journey is worth it. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that you are serving in God’s army and advancing his kingdom here on earth. So, how do we navigate the challenges that come our way and press forward in our pursuit of righteousness?
The answer is perseverance and determination.
What do you do when life takes an unexpected turn? How do you navigate through the darkness when it seems the sun has disappeared behind clouds for days? You persevere.
This example is one that we can apply to our own lives as ministers of the gospel. In the face of adversity, our adversary seeks to weaken us by severing our connection to our source of strength and vitality.
This strategy is perfectly illustrated in Esther 8:14, when a decree was issued for the destruction of the Jewish people. Although the decree appeared irreversible, a second decree empowered the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. Messengers hurriedly spread this news, pressing forward without pause, ensuring everyone was informed. They rode on mules and camels, being hastened and pressed on by the king’s commandment.
These messengers had a task to accomplish, and despite any obstacles that came their way, they pushed forward until they achieved their goal.
There will always be challenges in our journey. It’s a given. However, we cannot let these obstacles deter us from the call that God has placed on our lives. So, like the posts in Esther we must be willing to press on and push forward, despite the adversity that we may face.
We must keep our eyes fixed on the prize and trust that God will guide us through any difficulties that may come our way.
Luke 16:16 highlights the importance of perseverance and determination:
“The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.”
This scripture shows us that the work we do as ministers of the gospel is not in vain. We are a part of a long line of faithful men and women who paved the way for us to continue to preach the good news of the kingdom of God.
As we press into the kingdom, we must remember that it takes perseverance and determination to advance. We cannot become complacent or let setbacks discourage us. We must continue to push forward, knowing that the reward of our labor is great in the kingdom of God.
God has called us to advance his kingdom here on earth, and we must be willing to persevere and push forward despite any obstacles that may come our way.
So, keep pressing on!
There may be moments when quitting feels tempting. But don’t quit. Keep on fighting until the victory is won.
Pastor Brian Kinsey